Why does the left side of my body and face suddenly feeling heavy after running?

Your story is rather vague, and I do not have enough additional details from you in terms of your age/medical conditions/risk factors etc. However the symptoms you’ve described definitely warrant further investigation by your doctor, as one sided weakness/symptoms may be a sign of a stroke, amongst other causes. Do arrange a proper consultation and examination with your doctor as soon as possible about this issue.

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Should I be worried if I am falling asleep suddenly during the daytime?

Thank you for your question. There can be many reasons why someone would experience excessive daytime sleepiness. As the potential causes are varied and have been well-covered by both Dr Tze Yong and Dr Ethan, I shall not be repetitious. One of the most common cause of excessive daytime sleepiness (if you do not have poor sleep habit, sleep deprivation, insomnia and medical problems or are on medications that disrupt sleep) is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea or OSA.

Photo of Dr Eng Cern Gan

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Dr Eng Cern Gan

ENT Doctor

How do I get rid of chronic neck and shoulder pain due to computer work?

Thanks for getting in touch with your symptoms, which is quite a common problem! As you have identified in your question, with increasing computer, smart phone and tablet use, it is very common to develop back pain around the shoulders and neck area. However, before we simply lay blame on these items, it is useful to know: Do you have any morning stiffness symptoms in the shoulders? Do you have any visual symptoms? Do you have any pain when eating or clenching your jaw? Do you have an family history of back pain? Do you do any exercise such as gym activities?

Photo of Dr Dinesh Sirisena

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Dr Dinesh Sirisena

Sport Medicine

Could my rash be due to SLE (lupus)?

Without a picture it’s hard to give advice. But something you must consider is Shingles or herpes zoster if you mentioned it’s along a nerve or dermatomal fashion. Please consult your doctor early and start antiviral treatment if it’s confirmed. Rest well!

Photo of Dr Winston  Lee

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Dr Winston Lee


Is it normal to have chest discomfort if I have anxiety?

Thank you for sharing your problems. Chest pain and discomfort can be a very scary symptom. For most people, who are used to be in control of life; “suddenly” losing control over their own body can be extremely terrifying. Especially when we might have heard/seen other people having heart attacks or sudden deaths. The first step would be to see a family doctor and make sure the doctor feels that it is nothing serious to it. Left sided body aches and discomfort are quite common. In fact, everyone will feel it from time to time.

Photo of Dr Paul Ang

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Dr Paul Ang

General Practitioner

Should I limit contact of infant with a relative diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy?

You are right. Bell’s Palsy is not contagious, and cannot be transmitted. However, it’s usually caused by viruses, which can be contagious. Herpes simplex virus activation is the likeliest cause of Bell’s palsy in most cases. Other possible viral causes include: Herpes zoster Cytomegalovirus Epstein-Barr virus Adenovirus Influenza B The problem is I have no clue which virus your mum-in-law may have caught, or how long ago she caught the bug, or even if she may still have signs of an on-going viral infection at the moment (eg.

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Can I still exercise and participate in triathlons if I have IgA nephritis?

I can completely understand your disappointment at being told to cut back on sports, being an avid sports person myself. I shall attempt to break down and explain the situation for you: 1. The evidence about whether IgA nephropathy patients should completely avoid strenuous exercise is equivocal, to my knowledge. Data has shown that even though significantly increased levels of proteinuria are noted after intense exercise (maximal treadmill Bruce test), this lasts for less than 120 minutes.

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Should I get checked for C. Difficile if I have a stomachache, cramps and hard stools after an antibiotics course?

Based on your story alone, it's very unlikely that you have C. Diff, nor do you need to worry about getting tested for it, especially because (I presume) that you are fairly young. C. Diff causes really smelly diarrhoea, and usually happens in the hospitalised elderly after a prolonged cause of strong antibiotics. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t worry at all about getting tested for C. Diff. However if the cramps and hard stools continue bothering you, do see your GP who can perform a proper examination, and prescribe some symptomatic oral medication.

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Could I have a heart problem if I have a heavy heart, weary legs, and ECG T Wave inversion?

Your mum certainly is at risk of heart diseases in view of her risk factors such as hypertension as well as overweight. I noted that her ECG was done 3 months ago. This might not very useful in evaluating her current complaints and symptoms. I would advise you to bring her to your family physician for a more thorough work- up which might include a repeat ECG and blood tests after taking her medical history and examining her. Hope this helps and she gets well soon.

Photo of Dr Yan Yuan Tan

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Dr Yan Yuan Tan

General Practitioner

Which patients require a regular urine dipstick test at home?

thank you for your question. The urine dipstick test is a point-of-contact test that can give immediate results. Some information that can be gleaned from the urine dipstick analysis include the pH of urine, presence of protein, sugar, red blood cells, white blood cells, bacteria, ketones and bile.

Photo of Dr Tzeyeong Teng

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Dr Tzeyeong Teng

General Practitioner

Do I need to see a doctor for persistent intermittent hiccups?

Hiccups (singultus in medical speak, which is Latin for catching your breath while sobbing) are caused by involuntary contractions of the diaphragm — a chest muscle that plays a role in breathing. The “hic” sound is produced by the sudden closure of your vocal cords, which follows each diaphragm contraction. In the absence of any other medical conditions or recent surgeries, hiccups are almost always benign (non-worrying). The most common triggers for hiccups that last less than 48 hours include: Drinking carbonated drinks/alcohol, eg.

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Should I stop taking anti-depressants?

Sorry to hear that you’re going through such a tough time. Individuals struggling with eating disorders often experience low mood, and these symptoms are very frequently associated with stress. It appears to me that you’re actively seeking help, which is a good sign. However, as what has been pointed out, it may be good to stick to one psychiatrist and/ or psychologist whom you feel comfortable confiding in, for treatment. Treatment for depression and eating disorders can take years, and recovery can be and will be a difficult journey.

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Can perlane fillers be seen on a CT scan?

Perlane fillers can be seen on CT scan as soft tissue at the location where it’s injected, especially if it’s injected as a bolus. Fret not, the radiologist and radiographer would have seen many such cases, so do not expect them to be surprised at the findings. In fact, you can let the doctor know this, so that the radiologist doesn’t mistake it as other structures in his interpretation of the scan.

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Which doctor should I see in Singapore for formication (ants crawling) sensation?

I’m sorry to hear about your problems. It’s important to distinguish formication from itchiness of the skin, which is extremely common in elderly people (most often due to dry skin or eczema). On the other hand, formication is a specific form of abnormal skin sensations, which can manifest as tingling/pins and needles/tactile hallucinations (sensations on your skin that don’t have a physical cause). It’s associated with several disorders, such as diabetes, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, and problems with the spinal cord/nerve issues.

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