What is the best treatment for hair thinning?

It is best and most effective to treat hair thinning early and aggressively. There are currently 3 (proven) ways to treat hair thinning: 1. Oral medication such as propecia. However, there are side effects such as impotence and decreased libido. 2. Topical application such as Minoxidil. 3. Low Level Laser Threapy or LLLT, is also effective for hair loss. You can use the iGrow laser or LED light. The above 3 ways are non-invasive methods to stimulate hair growth.

Photo of Dr Siew Tuck Wah

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Dr Siew Tuck Wah


What Finasteride dosage should I use for hair loss?

You didn’t say what you are taking finasteride for, so I’m going to assume that it’s for hair loss. As a general rule of thumb for all medications, I’d suggest starting with a lower dose of the medication, and titrating upwards. Having said that, more than a few studies have shown that finasteride has no increased dose response effectiveness. Ie if a lower dose doesn’t work well, a higher dose is unlikely to work as well. So if I were you, I’d start with 0. 5 mg and watch for results and side effects. If it works well already, no need to use 1 mg.

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What are the causes and treatment for genetic hair loss in Singapore?

I agree that there may be 2 separate problems here. Genetic hairloss (androgenetic alopecia) is a gradual thinning of the hair over the frontal and vertex area. The scalp in androgenetic is not usually red. If there is redness of the scalp, this may be due to seborrheic eczema or psoriasis, but there are a number of other conditions that can also cause scalp redness. There are also some rarer causes of hairloss which can have both redness of the scalp and hairloss. Some of these conditions can cause scarring alopecia.

Photo of Dr Colin Theng

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Dr Colin Theng


Do essential oils help with scalp stimulation and hair growth?

To answer your question: essential oils do have mild hair growth stimulating effects, but they are very concentrated and thick, and may cause scalp oiliness and other side effects in the process. Once you stop the oils, the effects are also gone too. Minoxidil does not always have initial hair fall. It is an FDA approved medication for hair growth, and has foam versions to prevent scalp oiliness. Minoxidil is still way superior than essential oils. If you are having female pattern hair loss, I highly suggest for you to go for the tried and tested option.

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How much hair fall is normal in males, and what can I do to prevent it?

Hair fall of 50-100 hairs/day is normal. If your hair is getting thin and your hairline is receding , it is most likely Male Pattern Hair Loss (aka Androgenetic Alopecia). It is the most common form of hair loss in men. Please refer to the attached chart for classification of the stages of this pattern of hair loss. Treatments can be classified into surgical vs non-surgical. The only surgical option is Hair Transplant , which involves extracting hair follicles from the back of the head to be implanted on the front balding areas .

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What kind of results can I expect after treatment for my receding hairline? (photo)

It appears you have male pattern hair loss. The main cause of this is high DHT (dihydrotestosterone) levels, a type of male hormone. Oral finasteride helps to reduce the amount of DHT. Other options include minoxidil and hair supplements such as viviscal. However these may not reverse your hair loss completely if it is advanced or rapidly progressing, although they will help to slow down the progression. Hair transplant is an option to restore the front hairline. These medications do come with some side effects and it is best to speak to your doctor to understand these better.

Photo of Dr Jason Pek

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Dr Jason Pek


What is the cause and treatment in Singapore for female hair loss? How much would hair loss treatment in Singapore cost?

There is difference between hair thinning and hair fall. If you noticed hair gradually thinning over months or years, female pattern hair loss is the most likely diagnosis. If however, there is an increase in the hair fall of >100 strands, that is significant and there are a number of conditions that can cause this and this often warrants further investigation to look for the underlying cause. Dermatologists specialize in the treatment of skin and hair diseases and you can consider seeing a dermatologist for your concerns.

Photo of Dr Colin Theng

Answered By

Dr Colin Theng


What is the cause and treatment for male hair loss? How much does hair transplantation cost in Singapore?

It does indeed sound like male pattern hair loss, due to male hormone (testosterone). And unfortunately you’re right – finasteride works by blocking testosterone, which results in all the side effects like erectile dysfunction etc. I’d recommend starting with a topical shampoo called Minoxidil – that has minimal side effects, although hair regrowth tend to be thinner. Hair transplant is indeed a lot cheaper in Thailand, but you have to be aware that follow-up care will not be possible. I recently had a friend come to me to check out his scalp after the op in Thailand.

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Will thinning hair that is short and white grow into dark, thicker hairs?

Your description is unfortunately not detailed enough for me to advise you properly. A photo of your hair (which you can upload with your answer) would have been great in this instance. If this bald patch is isolated, it may be alopecia areata. There is a simple treatment consisting of an injection for this – you can visit NSC to receive treatment. Or otherwise all dermatologists/some doctors do this too. Your description of short thin white hair sounds like “vellus hair”, which can appear in male pattern hair loss.

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Are scalp treatment centres in Singapore effective for hair loss problems? (photo)

Thank you for the question. A common cause of progressive thinning of the hair includes female pattern hairloss. Scalp dermatitis can cause the scalp to be itchy and painful. You can see your doctor or dermatologist for assessment and treatment of your hair problem. It is difficult to comment if the treatment at scalp centres are effective. Often, there is a fine print to state that treatments are not scientifically proven. For medical doctors, it is difficult to endorse treatments which are not scientifically proven and which are not evidence based.

Photo of Dr Colin Theng

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Dr Colin Theng


Is PRP injection available for hair loss in Singapore? (photo)

I totally agree with Dr Chua that PRP has very little evidence published in the medical literature suggesting its indication for hair loss treatment. Furthermore, it’s banned in SG for aesthetic purposes. You should visit aesthetic doctors or dermatologists highly interested in treating hair loss to get a detailed consultation, diagnosis, and treatment options. There are two ways to restore hair in your case (and for many other men): 1.

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What is the best treatment for male hair loss in Singapore?

The most common cause of hair loss in men is Male Pattern Hair Loss as seen in the attached picture. If you are having receding temples and front hairline similar to the above picture, then you are having Male Pattern Hair Loss. It is due to Dihydrotestosterone hormone wreaking havoc on the front and top hair follicles on your head. There’s 2 ways to restore hair in your case (and for many other men). 1.

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What could be the cause of hair loss in a teenage female?

Thank you for the question. There many causes of hair loss in teenagers, and it is difficult to tell you what your daughter has without seeing and examining her. One of the commonest cause of hair loss is telogen effluvium. This is hairfall following a stressful episode such as high fever, crash diets, emotional stress etc. The hair will fall usually starts about 2 months after the stressful event, and may persist for 2 to 4 months. However, the hair that is lost will gradually regrow.

Photo of Dr Colin Theng

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Dr Colin Theng


How can I treat severe hair fall and an itchy scalp?

Hi Dianne Rose, Based on your story, I can immediately pinpoint possible causes of your hair loss. They are: 1. Scalp Dermatitis (inflammation of scalp) 2. Tinea Capitis (fungal infection of scalp) 3. Nutritional Deficiencies 4. Female Pattern Hair Loss(multi factorial causes) Steroid scalp lotions, Ketoconazole shampoo and Minoxidil spray/foam will be your first line treatment. The above treatments are not expensive. You have a medical condition and it’s turning into agoraphobia and possibly depression, so please please please seek a proper medical consult.

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What should I do next if I've been experiencing thinning hair over 2 years? (photo)

There are various types of hair loss that will require different treatment approaches. You should consult a dermatologist, plastic surgeon or aesthetic doctor with special interest in hair to help you with your concern. They should provide you with a detailed consultation, examination, necessary tests as well as advice for treatment options. From the picture, you appear to be suffering from spot balding (otherwise known as alopecia areata). This can be treated with topical medications and injections to the scalp with variable success rates in different individuals. All the best!

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