The smaller body of an infant is substantially different physiologically from that of an adult. The clinician must take into account the immature physiology of the infant or child when considering symptoms, prescribing medications, and diagnosing illnesses.

My child has a fever. Should I call the doctor?

It is a natural instinct for parents to panic when they realise that their child has a fever. However, sometimes a fever is good for your child as it is the body's attempt to better combat the bugs at a higher temperature. Nevertheless, children who are less than 3 months old with a fever should definitely be taken to the doctor or if their temperature is above 40 degree celcius.

When should vaccinations be given to children?

Routine vaccinations should begin when a baby is 8 weeks old. If it is administered before the recommended age, the natural immunity may hinder the vaccine from working to its full potential. While no vaccine can guarantee 100% effectiveness, it still provides a very good defense against many diseases.

For babies that are born prematurely, it is still imperative that they are given vaccines when they are 8 weeks old as they are more susceptible to infections.

What food should I feed my children?

Children should usually be breastfed exclusively for 6 months, and then gradually introduced to whole food into their diet, while continuing to breastfeed for 2 years or so. Avoid feeding children fatty food, ice cream, spicy food or sweetened cereals.

Recent Questions

Does eating vitamin supplements help in treating myopia?

I don’t know if there are very strong evidences for treating myopia with vitamin supplements but it is generally very good for your health as long as there isn’t an overdose. Ultimately, it still boils down to proper myopia management such as outdoor activities and balanced diet, but there is no need to binge on vitamin supplements to prevent myopia.

Photo of Dr Daphne Han

Answered By

Dr Daphne Han


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A Parent Asks (Part 2): Help my Child has Blocked Ears!

Ended on September 4, 2020

Dr. Paul Ang founded the Zenith Medical Clinic at Punggol West in 2014. With a keen interest to improve the delivery of General Practitioner (GP) services, Dr. Ang aims to bring great, quality, affordable healthcare to the residents in Punggol, Singapore. Dr. Ang was presented the President Scout Award in 2004 by the late President SR Nathan . Enlisting the help of Dr. John Lee and Priscilla Lee, Dr. Ang established Project Sa'Bai, an overseas community involvement project based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, along with a close friend of his. This was another notable achievement of Dr. Ang's as the project was one of the biggest, earliest and most well-established medical initiatives under the Medical Society in NUS.

Women's And Children's Health

Dr Paul Ang is a family physician or what is commonly known as a general practitioner (GP) in Punggol, Singapore. He founded the Zenith Medical Clinic at Punggol West in 2014. He is keen to improve the way primary care (or GP services) are delivered. He wants to bring great, quality, affordable healthcare to the residents in Punggol, Singapore.

His professional qualifications are Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) Singapore, Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine (GDFM), Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCSEd) and accredited family physician. He is also currently pursuing the Graduate Diploma in Mental Health (GDMH) by Institute of Mental Health.

His clinical interests include Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT), Mental Health and wellness and paediatrics.

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